There are three lines of hieroglyphic inscriptions representing the itn earlier form of the names of the king when his name was tut anx itn and his wife was anx s n pA itn. Tutankhamun was certainly old enough to have sired more than one child and in fact he probably did.
Egyptian Pharaohs Family Tree Dynasties 18 19 20 Youtube Egyptian Pharaohs Family Tree Pharaoh
Here is a little bit more about all of them.

King tut family names. This would mean that technically King Tuts mother was also his aunt and that King Tuts father was also his uncle. Tutankhamun himself died at the age of 19 possibly from a gangrene infection that developed after a broken leg. Its possible that after King Tuts dad King Akhenaten died his youngest surviving daughter Neferneferuaten began ruling Egypt at age 12 likely at first disguised as a male.
Amenhotep fathered several children with these women. For over three thousand years much of her life has been a mystery a fascinating patchwork of bizarre. Ankhesenamun was born Princess Ankhesenpaaten sometime around 1350 BC the third of six daughters born to King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti.
Ay appears to have mostly been interested in using Tut as a puppet so he. During this time. Additional family members include.
Pharaoh Akhenaten with his family makes offerings to the sun god Aton. Keeping this in view what does King Tuts name mean.
King Tuts family members encompassed many relatives due to his fathers many wives. Tiye is the mother of Akhenaten which makes her King Tuts grandmother. According to National Geographic King Tut had one such advisor his name was Ay which lets face it is not so much a name as that thing the Fonz used to say but he probably wasnt motivated by anything so pedestrian as the good of the nation or helping Tutankhamun be a wise and competent king or anything.
King Tuts Children by Jimmy Dunn. For sake of clarity I am leaving. Wikimedia Commons Ankhesenamun King Tuts wife shown on the right giving flowers to her husband.
The Restoration Stela revealed the actions King Tut intended to take during his reign. Jmn-ḥtp meaning Amun is satisfied. Akhenaten pronounced ˌ æ k ə ˈ n ɑː t ən also spelled Echnaton Akhenaton Ancient Egyptian.
Tiye Gilukhepa and Tadukhepa. Family Members The three most important people in Tutankhamuns family are his mother Nefertiti his father Akhenaten and his brother Smenkhkare. His original name Tutankhaten means Living Image of Aten while Tutankhamun means Living Image of Amun.
Since the tombs discovery King Tut has become the worlds most well-known Egyptian pharaoh fascinating generations of scientists and students. Tutankhamen was born around 1341 BCE. He is popularly referred to as King Tut.
Egyptian Kings cant have just any old name. Tutankhamun also spelled Tutankhamen and Tutankhamon original name Tutankhaten byname King Tut flourished 14th century bce king of ancient Egypt reigned 133323 bce known chiefly for his intact tomb KV 62 tomb 62 discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922. Many non-enthusiasts of ancient Egypt have a tendency to think of King Tut as a child king who died before reaching real adulthood leaving the throne to his regents Ay and Horemheb but that was not the case.
Tut married his half sister Ankhesenamun a daughter of Nefertiti and Akhenaten. So while the world knows him by his nomen Tutankhamun the Egyptians knew him by his prenomen Nebkheperure. We are certain that Tutankhamun was a son of a king and we know that from a text on a block from one of the destroyed buildings of Akhenaton Tutankahmun is described as the son of the king from his divine body but unfortunately the name of the king wasnt.
The nameTUTANKHAMENis indicated as being the name of the 12th king of the 18th Dynasty of ancientMasarMisir falsely named Egypt. Read about scepticism toward claims of finding Nefertitis tomb Tuts family ties are further complicated by the royal custom of incest during this period. King Tuts grandfather Akhenatens father was Amenhotep III.
13531336 or 13511334 BC the tenth ruler of the Eighteenth DynastyBefore the fifth year of his reign he was known as Amenhotep IV Ancient Egyptian. That makes Nefertiti Tuts stepmother. It was this particular item that led Howard Carter to search for King Tut as the pharaoh was mentioned by name.
His name means living image of Aten Aten was the name of. Tuts last two names known as the prenomen and nomen were the names written on his monuments. Actually this is not a namebut rather a title which is composed to mean andor indicate specificattributes of the king -.
Neferneferur next to youngest sister. Tuts mother was a different wife whose name we dont know. After British archaeologist Howard Carter.
Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. King Tutankhamun or Tutankhamen ruled Egypt as pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19 around 1324 BC. In this article we will talk about the family tree of Tutankhamun and the rightful parents according to the latest studies.
On November 4 1922 a team of archaeologists led by Howard Carter discovered a step that marked the entrance to King Tutankhamens tomb. Murder mystery and intrigue touch the lives of the family of King Tut his father the heretic King Akhenaten his stepmother Nefertiti who mysteriously disappeared his Grand Vizier Ay who was also the father of Nefertiti and the grandfather of Ankhesenpaaten the wife of Tutankhamun. Ultimately Smenkhkare also died in 2 or 3 years and finally Ankhesenamun became the wife of King Tut.
He had three royal consorts.
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